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Insomnia & Sleep Disorders

When you’re not getting enough restorative sleep, it can decrease your ability to deal with stressors and lead to difficulty regulating your emotions.

That’s why sleep issues, including insomnia, are so closely related to mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. It can become a vicious cycle that degrades your sleep AND mental health.

People who average six hours or less of sleep per night are 2.5 times more likely to experience frequent mental distress.

– Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)


of insomnia cases are related to depression, anxiety or psychological stress


of individuals with insomnia also have another mental disorder or condition

Understanding Sleep Disorders

Common Symptoms

If you are experiencing a short-term sleep issue, you may be able to self-treat by examining your daily habits and making changes to your lifestyle. But, if sleep issues persist, they may be associated with another mental health condition like anxiety or depression. Symptoms of sleep disorders include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Waking up frequently during the night
  • Feeling so sleepy during the day you might doze up at inappropriate times
  • Sleepwalking or engaging in other behaviors while you’re asleep
  • Unusual movements during sleep or feeling the urge to move
  • Difficulty focusing or concentrating during the day
  • Mood changes or feeling irritable 
  • Difficulty meeting performance expectations at work or school
  • Frequent accidents or falls


Any disruption to your body’s cycle of sleep and wakefulness can cause sleep disorders, including:

  • A medical condition that includes chronic pain
  • Changes to your sleep schedule (working the night shift, for example)
  • Medication side effects
  • Substance use like too much caffeine or alcohol
  • Genetic factors 
  • Symptoms of a mental health condition like depression or anxiety

How We Can Help

Long-term sleep issues are rarely treated as a stand alone illness, but rather as a symptom of another condition and treated together. If you think your sleep issues are related to a mental health condition like anxiety or depression, it may be time to talk to a provider about your symptoms. 

MindGlow Health providers are experienced in helping you improve sleep as part of an overall mental health treatment plan. Drawing on a vibrant legacy of nearly 25 years at the forefront of behavioral health excellence, our providers will work one on one with you to create a tailored program designed to treat your unique needs and concerns.

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Talk Therapy Benefits

Talk therapy can be a key part of treating and managing sleep problems related to mental health.

Mindglow Health providers will work closely with you to develop a personalized plan that may include one of a variety of styles of therapy to help you identify negative thought patterns and behaviors that impact sleep. They may use other tools and exercises to reduce symptoms, while recommending certain lifestyle changes to support your mental health journey. 

All our therapists are licensed, qualified, and experienced mental health professionals.


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Medication Management

Medication may be necessary for some people with sleep disorders.  If recommended to reduce symptoms and improve your mood, your therapist will work with our psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNP) to prescribe an appropriate medication as part of a unique program that works for you.


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