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Bipolar Disorder

If you are experiencing episodes lasting a week or longer that dramatically shift your mood and energy levels to a point that affects your day-to-day activities, you may want to talk with a mental health professional about bipolar disorder. It’s a mental illness that can seriously impact your life if not appropriately treated.

Bipolar disorders are characterized by episodes of mania, or feeling very high/happy/energized to episodes of depression, or feeling low/sad/indifferent.

Think you may have a mood disorder?

Bipolar disorders are characterized by episodes of mania, or feeling very high/happy/energized – to episodes of depression, or feeling low/sad/indifferent.


million Americans are diagnosed with bipolar disorder each year


of bipolar patients on the right medication recover

Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Common Symptoms

During a manic or depressive episode, you may feel and act out of character, which can prevent you from making sound decisions. These “mood episodes” may last for several days or weeks, and can even be experienced together.

Symptoms of manic episodes can include:

  • Feeling overly upbeat, wired, or jumpy
  • Experiencing increased energy or a sense of euphoria
  • Needing less sleep
  • Talking more than usual
  • Having racing thoughts or feeling distracted
  • Feeling important or talented
  • Having more of an appetite for food, sex, or pleasurable activities

Symptoms of depressive episodes can include:

  • Feeling sad or very down
  • Feeling slow or tired
  • Sleeping too much or having other sleep issues
  • Talking very slow or forgetting things
  • Having trouble concentrating or making decisions
  • Having a lack of interest in activities
  • Feeling hopeless or worthless


Research suggests that several factors may contribute to your chances of developing bipolar disorder, including:

  • Genetics: Bipolar disorder runs in families, so genetics may play a role
  • Brain chemistry: Some studies have also shown that brain structure and functioning differences exist for those diagnosed with bipolar disorder
  • Trauma: Life-changing events, drugs and alcohol, and extreme circumstances can also trigger episodes

How We Can Help

An official diagnosis of bipolar disorder is a critical first step in developing a life-long plan to manage bipolar disorder symptoms and treat the illness. 

MindGlow Health providers are experienced in treating bipolar disorder. Drawing on a vibrant legacy of nearly 25 years at the forefront of behavioral health excellence, our providers will work one on one with you to create a tailored program designed to treat your unique needs and concerns.

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Mindglow Health Happy Client

Talk Therapy Benefits

Talk therapy can be a key part of treating and managing bipolar disorder symptoms. 

Mindglow Health providers will work closely with you to develop a personalized plan that may include one of a variety of styles of therapy to help you identify negative thought patterns and behaviors. They may use other tools and exercises to reduce symptoms, while recommending certain lifestyle changes to support your mental health journey. 

All our therapists are licensed, qualified, and experienced mental health professionals.


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Medication Management

Medication may be necessary for some people with bipolar disorder.  There are a variety of medications that may improve your mood, reduce symptoms, and help support a healthier lifestyle.

If medication is recommended, your therapist will work with our psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNP) to prescribe an appropriate medication as part of a unique program that works for you.


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